Yoke is a yoga studio and cafe situated in the centre of Folkestone, Kent. The yoga space, which is nestled in the basement, allows you the opportunity to explore a wide variety of yoga styles including vinyasa, hatha, ashtanga and yin. We offer over 18 regular classes a week with a variety of passionate teachers, each sharing their own personalised, unique style to the class. With a regular weekly schedule, we are presenting you the opportunity to deepen your practice, listen, grow and evolve. The owners and teachers of Yoke will be with you on your yoga journey and we are really looking forward to meeting you. Welcome to the Yoke community.

yoga studio

The Space

Our yoga space is here for practitioners to explore and move through the practice in a calm, supportive and safe space. The space is clear, open and held. The Yoke yoga teachers are here to guide and support you and your own unique needs as they change from day to day. The studio supplies mats, bolsters, blocks, straps and blankets to allow you to take exactly what you need.

The Practice

Yoga is for the benefit of all beings. By offering many different styles of yoga classes, as well as workshops and sound baths, we provide the chance for our students to deepen their practice and allow it to develop and evolve at your own pace. With the wide variety of teachers and classes at Yoke, we hope you are able to find exactly what you need.