meditation & yoga

This class is suitable of all. We will use a variety of tools and techniques to arrive into the present including pranayama and changing the breath. The meditation is offered as a supportive experience, and the teacher will guide you in setting up to find a stillness. This type of meditation is not rigid rather welcoming and accessible. The yoga shapes will be based around vinyasa flow, often grounding, slow and strong at times.


Quite simply, vinyasa connects movement with breath. Each teacher will add their own traditions and experience to create a sequence and flow which can be accessed by all. Traditionally beginning with Sun Salutation A and B, the class will usually move through a standing sequence, often warming up the body to explore inversions and balancing poses adapted for all abilities to experiment.


Yin Yoga is often described as a more passive class, with poses, which are mostly floor based, traditionally being held between 3-5 minutes. Bernie Clarke explains yin as a way to work at a deeper level on our muscles and connective tissues by ‘allowing a pose to get us deeper into the body’. It is a practice often based around letting go of holding a certain form and releasing any tension by finding your ‘edge.’


Hatha is an umbrella term for a yoga practise involving physical postures (Asana) and breathing techniques (Pranayama). This class will be relatively slow paced as poses are held for longer. Hatha can be gentle and simultaneously physically challenging with the word Hatha translating as 'effort' or 'force'. This class is suitable for both those with no prior yoga experience as well as those who have been practising for years.

ashtanga mysore

Ashtanga Mysore Yoga is a set sequence of asanas (physical poses) that are synchronized with the breath. This Mysore style class is the traditional way of learning the method and the class is suitable for everyone, even complete beginners. Traditionally Ashtanga involves a set sequence. The benefits to Mysore, is that it allows you to practise according to your ability and to move at your own pace, modifying the shapes with the support of the teacher,

pregnancy & post natal yoga

During pregnancy yoga, you will be offered postures to promote strength and flexibility, gentle breathing exercises to calm your mind and boost vitality and guided meditations to support deep rest and opportunities to connect with your baby. Classes will support you during pregnancy, allow opportunities to connect with other mums and help prepare you for birth and motherhood.

Post natal yoga will focus on stabilising the pelvis and lower back, strengthening abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, releasing tension in the back, neck and shoulders as well as supporting you to rest deeply, navigating the emotional highs and lows of being a mum. Welcome with or without baby.

yoga for beginners

This is a 5 week course. This is an opportunity to find out what yoga looks like for you. It will be a safe and held space, incorporating the break down of yoga asana (poses/shapes), how to modify and support your own unique body, the origins and traditions of yoga, calming breathing techniques which can be used off the mat and time to ask questions as well as to move and flow through some basic sequences. After the 5 weeks, students will feel confident and assured that they are able to listen to their own bodies to adapt poses, move through Sun Salutation A and B and join the regular classes on the schedule. Students are encouraged to bring their journals, ask questions and to connect with others in the group.

The first Yoga for Beginners 5 week block begins Monday 6th March and can be booked via the MINDBODY app.

gentle flow

Based upon vinyasa flow, this will be a slower based class to help calm the nervous system and ground you back into presence. Despite it being a slower pace, there is always the opportunity to move with integrity as we travel through the practice moving from shape to shape, paying more attention to how we get to a shape and taking the time to intuitively allow the body to find its own version of a pose. Great opportunity to pause and listen