200 HOUR



Our intention is to offer support, skills and knowledge to allow each participant to grow and evolve as an authentic and confident yoga teacher. When you enter into a space to guide and hold others, we believe it should be from a place of deep knowing and trust. Trusting in yourself and practising the skill of deep listening will bring your own unique expressions and truths to each offering. It is an offering from your own embodied experience, it is the art of tuning into the room and holding and meeting people where they are at. 

Yoke’s Facilitator Training will be one of support, safety and openness, seeped and guided by the lineages of deep tantric traditions and the sutras. The teachings and knowledge offered will be guided by an experienced, passionate, kind and trusted faculty. We will provide you with the tools to each shine brightly, to stand in your power and hold yourself with love and grace, and in turn, to offer these as resources to your students so they may hold themselves in the same way. 

Each of you are already teachers and we are forever students. This is an opportunity to tap into what is already there, to what is lying dormant and is ready to be woken up and listened to. It is a place to be curious, a place to lean into trust with support, to illuminate who you already are and to have the resources and skills to support yourself in doing this. If this training is for you, you will already know. 











We will begin with the guidance of the 8 pillars of what we believe is at the root of Yoke’s intentions to create confident and supportive teachers. These pillars will be a place to inspire us, to remind us, to come back to and keep us on track to the why we are here. They will be reference points to keep us steady, grounded and clear. If we are continually returning to, being led by and guided by the Yoke Pillars, it will keep us on the path to becoming the teacher who is longing to be birthed through you.




Boundaries & Protection 

Deep Listening & Presence 

Surrender to the Unknown 

Compassion & Grace


Curiosity & Possibility



Without the ancient teachings, there is a lack of depth or clear intention behind the practice or what you are offering as a teacher. Everything is birthed from the ancient texts, passed down by teachers, guides and mentors who have come before us and continued the enquiries into the why. At the foundations of the Yoke training are the Tantric Traditions. Birthed from the valley of Kashmir one thousand years ago, the texts will guide us through our journey along our own unique path. In the Tantrik view, each of us is a complete expression of the energy of Consciousness, it is an endless inquiry into becoming aware of what you already are, of welcoming all of life - the whole of reality and to meet yourself here, with grace and open hands. We will be guided by the texts, the sutras, the deities and mantras. They will bring us back, they will hold us and keep showing us the way.With over 20 years of teaching experience, our Philosophy Module will be led by the dedicated and experienced Senior Teacher, Collette Davis.


The practice is the place where we create more space to deeply listen. More space to hold all of life. The practice of Sadhana, this commitment to the journey of the self and discovery, will be a place of exploration through meditation, pranayama, mantra and ritual and will offer a place to steady and ground yourself. To create the space that you need to be fully present, will allow yourself more capacity to hold space for others, and to teach and guide others from this place. The philosophy teachings will be weaved throughout your practice, igniting and recharging you, allowing for your inquiry to deepen the greater your commitment to it becomes. Each morning, as a Kula, we will begin with our practice to set the tone of the day and to call in the support we need. 


To move others through the shapes is an essential part of teaching when offering a yoga experience. There will be a great emphasis on offering yoga to all, all bodies each with different experiences, injuries and histories. Being able to meet the varying needs of the room with love, compassion, kindness and safety will sit alongside the knowledge and information about the body and asana. To offer safety and freedom simultaneously. This may be through more traditional asana and sequencing or to explore how to guide a class from a place of freedom and embodiment, learning ways to make space for students to be curious and at the same time,and to be able to guide the class through a flow. We will get into our bodies and sense what that experience is for ourselves and explore what it may be like for others in their own body. We will dive deeply into verbal alignment cues and discuss the benefits of modifications and props, feeling confident in our ability to support all and give permission for each student to sense more into their own bodies. 


We are all each other's teachers. We join as a collective. This isn’t about improvement, feedback or how to get better, it is to trust in who you are, what you have to say and to offer from that place. A place of embodiment, experience and truth, We will offer tools and resources to guide you in finding your way to enhance and curate detailed classes with clear themes and intentions. The learning experience of new information will be one of a drip feed approach and not one of how much knowledge or fact you can retain. Once you have embodied or experienced a theme, the class will naturally evolve from that place. We will fine tune the use of voice, language and sequencing and experience different styles of teaching and class planning, so you're teaching with what resonates most deeply within you. We will ensure the basic foundations are established and confident so that you can evolve and grow into the brightest version of your own unique teacher. 


The body is the gateway to our practice. It is the vessel which holds it all. We will come into a deeper relationship with our bodies; knowing more and sensing into our bones, muscles, breath and digestion. We will develop our use of anatomical language and our understanding of functional anatomy, joints, fascia and the way we move and pay attention to our spine. We will become more intimate with key organs and the body system by diving deeply into embodiment labs to further our own inquiry into the felt sense. Gaining more information about the body, can allow for us to learn more about it and therefore about ourselves. We will also explore the use of somatics in the body which will take us sweetly back to the different styles of teaching.


A strong container is one of the key aspects of the Yoke Facilitator Training. We will come together in Circle as a group, to listen, to share and express ourselves. We will continue to develop the skill of holding space for ourselves and others. The sacred space of Circle will allow us time to tune in more deeply into what we are learning and how it is evolving, pouring compassion, grace and trust to ourselves and others. Everyone will be met, seen and heard in a supportive and kind way and the circle will allow for us to notice what’s coming up and to get clearer. 


This will be an ongoing constant process from the first day of training. Deep rest, nourishment and self care will be highly encouraged to allow the body to respond and integrate the information and experiences which you receive. The space in between each of our weekends together, will be a sweet spot for steady integration, with time for our learnings and experiences to settle and to stay anchored into and committed to our practices. Expect restoration, gentle yin, journaling, guidance and support on how to integrate and take your teachings curiously out into the world. A 1:1 mentoring session with Jade, will continue the conversation into the why and help to find more clarity of what you’re sharing and what you have to say. Our integration module will also include the Business of Yoga, leaning into what is coming next for you.


The training will be majority in person. Alongside this, we will support your journey with online content which you will be able to revisit again and again. There will be videos and audio content which will also sit alongside check in questions and mini quizzes to keep you focused and on track.  

Saturday 9.30am - 7.30pm (10hrs)

Sunday 9.30 - 6.30pm (9hrs)

September 27 Opening Circle & Welcome Meal, 6-9pm

September 28, 29

October 26, 27

November 29, 30, 1 (full days)

January 3, 4, 5 (full days)

February 1, 2 

March 1, 2 

April 4,5,6 (full days)

May 4 Closing Weekend Circle & Meal 

May 5,6 Teaching Practicals/Closing Circle 

CLOSING RETREAT  - Le Bezy, France

Weekend, June 2025

At the end of the training, the teacher training group will be invited to nourish, rest and fully integrate the teachings and experiences of evolving into a facilitator of yoga. As a collective, we will share, unwind, practice and take extra space to let the teachings sink in. All in the warmth and quietness of our friends in Le Bezy, in the stillness of the South of France, everything will be taken care of for you. There will be options to receive meditations & movement, as well as offer as a newly qualified teacher, supporting each other as you blossom into this next chapter of you. 


Early Bird: £2250 until March 10

Deposit: £250

(Four instalments of £500 due end

of April, May, June, July)

Course Price £2500

Deposit: £500

(Four instalments of £575 due end

of April, May, June, July)

Scholarship: £1250

Deposit: £250

(Four instalments of £250 due end

of April, May, June, July)